The Beginning of Soleil's Illuminating Journey.

Soleil's origin lies in the beautiful confluence of two distinct worlds: the rich spirituality of the East and the exquisite artistry of France.

A our founder and partner journey through France, they found themselves captivated by the unparalleled quality of French candles. Their travels served as a wellspring of inspiration, leading them to combine these newfound insights with their deep-rooted spiritual connections to the East.

This fusion of cultures and traditions became the cornerstone of Soleil, established a unique candle brand that harmoniously bridges the gap between the two.

Thereafter, drawing from the elegance of French candle making and the spirituality of Asia, Soleil candles are crafted to unite craftsmanship and wisdom. Each candle embodies a blend of cultures, infusing spaces with tranquility and crafted with different elements to achieve the profound effect of adjusting and balancing the seven chakras of the human body.

At Soleil, the founders understand the deep human need for serenity, moments of pure enlightenment and inner balance. That's why Soleil candles are meticulously crafted not only to light up spaces, but also to uplift souls.




Our Logo, a Symbol of Enlightenment.

Framed within the circular shape of the sun, our logo's rays radiate outwards, symbolizing enlightenment.

At its core, you'll discover The Goddess, the very essence of our candles. She gently cradles a softly glowing candle, offering illumination and hope to all who seek.

Within this holistic composition of sun, Goddess, and candle, a rich tapestry of meanings unfolds - triumph over darkness, wisdom, and serenity.

While the vibrant orange color of our logo embodies the energy of the sun and the warmth of its light, symbolizing hope, warmth, and positivity that our candles bring into your life.

Our name 'Soleil', which is French for 'sun', was chosen with deliberate intent. Just as the sun nurtures and illuminates the world, our candles aspire to provide not only light but also comfort and relaxation to you.




Illuminate Inner Radiance, Harmonize Your 7 Chakras.

There are 7 main energy centers in your body. They represent different points along your spine that are vital to maintaining your physical, emotional, and spiritual balance. When a chakra becomes blocked, it signifies an imbalance or disruption in the flow of energy in your life, which could lead to various issues.

Find out if your chakras are blocked and how our candles can help below:

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) - Higher consciousness and self-awareness.

Signs of blockage: You have frequent headaches and feelings of unfulfillment. Our candles, with their soothing and meditative scents, can help create a calm environment that promotes spiritual exploration,

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) - Intuition and insights.

Signs of blockage: You cannot sleep, and feel a disconnect with your guy instinct. Lighting our candles during meditation or reflection can enhance your inner version and clarity.

Throat Chakra (Vishudda) - Communication and self-expression.

Sign of blockage: You experience neck pain and find it hard to express yourself. The gentle flicker of our candles can create a serene ambiance that encourages open honest dialogue.

Heart Chakra (Anahata) - Love, compassion, and emotional balance. 

Signs of blockage: You have chest pain and heartburns and find it hard to trust people. Our candles, with their warm and inviting glow, can promote feelings to love and acceptance.

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) - Personal power and confidence.

Signs of blockage: You are often tired and pessimistic, and you have low confidence. Lighting our candles during moments of self-reflection can boost self-esteem and self-worth.

Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana) - Creativity and emotional expression.

Signs of blockage: You have an unhealthy sex drive and often lack passion and inspiration. Our candles' calming influence can encourage the free flow of passion and creative energies.

Root Chakra (Muladhara) - Stability and a sense of security.

Signs of blockage: You have bowel and lower body issues and often feel unsafe and scared. Lighting our candles with their grounding effect can help you feel more rooted and secure in your surroundings.


Chakras Chart | Seven Chakra in Order